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I’m a wife, mother, and group fitness instructor.  These are my passions.  Like many women, I’ve struggled with weight, then came depression, guilt, and finally a divorce.  I’m here to tell you second chances can be wonderful.  We are a blended family, married 4.5 years now, and still learning how all our pieces fit into the puzzle.  I’ve birthed 2 daughters, currently ages 11 and 14, and have a very handsome bonus son age 6.  We are busy with on and off schedules, sports, school, deployments and finding time for fitness and food prep can be a struggle.

It’s not easy but it is possible!  Isn’t there a quote, “Nothing worth having comes Easy”?  I’m not here to set YOUR goal.  I want to motivate and encourage you to reach whatever goal YOU set for yourself. I just want you to find your happy, your confidence, your fittest self, and live life to your fullest.  We were all someone before we were their mom and that someone matters as an individual.  Whether this is for you, your kids, your health, everyone’s happy looks different and no one can judge you except you.  I’ve seen strong women of all ages and sizes run marathons.  My focus is health.  So… What, or where is your “Happy”?  Let me say it again, YOUR “Happy”… What are your goals?  Take time to set some.  NOW.  I want this to be a place where women fix another woman’s crown without telling the world it was crooked.  Your goals can be done!  It will be a process.  It will take time.  You will have setbacks.  That doesn’t mean its the end.  After all, “Tomorrow is another day”! (Scarlett O’hara) Start new with every day.  Take one day at a time.  With each day try to do better than the last.  Give 1% more.  Let me ask you, What if you set a goal to lose 30 lbs in 6 months?  What if 6 months came and you’ve only successfully lost 15 lbs?  Would you still feel better than you do right now?  What if you lose the rest in another 6 months?  Would you be happy you started today?  You see, there is really NO fail here.  Only hope.  Ready to start your journey?  Set goals, large or small. Let me introduce eating our way to a fitter, healthier self with good-tasting recipes and a new lifestyle.