
Gluten Free Life-Style

Our family has experimented with the gluten free diet. My story is a bit personal and probably gross so if you can’t handle honesty just skip to the recipes.

I used to have a problem where when I would need to go to the bathroom, I’m talking #2, and I would literally pass out on the toilet sometimes. It was random and didn’t happen often. I had no idea why it would happen to me. Then there was the day where I passed out in the bathroom at work. I was wearing a dress in a one person bathroom and it always started with pains, then sweat, and I would get really light headed and blurred vision. I knew it was coming so I prepared. I pulled up my panties, unlocked the door and the next thing I saw was our front desk associate Chuck holding my head and his mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear anything. After what felt like forever, which was probably only 5 seconds, I heard him saying my name and asking if I was okay. I replied with, “Chuck! I’m in a dress, don’t look at my panties!” Maybe that was a relief to him that I could joke at that moment. I knew this happened to me regularly but no one else knew so it scared them pretty bad.

My boss wanted to take me to the ER to make sure I was okay. That was the day I was diagnosed with IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. The doctors prescribed medication that they suggested I take every day for the rest of my life. Luckily, my boss and friend Lindsay suggested I try the gluten free diet if I didn’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life. THANK YOU LINDSAY!

This opened up new doors for me. I’ve only had 1 episode since then when I allow myself to eat too much bread and gluten for long periods of time. I can veer from any diet and “treat” sometimes when I am maintaining weight. Do I still have pizza? Yes, sometimes. Do I still eat chips and salsa? HECK YES!! My favorite thing to eat is chips and damn good salsa. Pardon my french, but I need you to understand how much I love a good salsa. My favorite is Chuy’s salsa, Los Cabos salsa and On The Border’s salsa. I like spicy salsa. This is treats for me. I stick to a life style that provides health, and treat myself sometimes. Most of my other life style plans are gluten free by default. Ketogenetic and Daniel Plan can both be gluten free.

This life style is what my 11 year old daughter follows while she attends school. She has had many focusing issues in school and putting her on this life style has helped her. She uses a focus bracelet with focus oil, eats gluten free and staying on a routine schedule helps her tremendously. I wasn’t going to accept all the suggestions from teachers to medicate her for ADHD. I know food can be “medicine” and I wanted to start there. Having a fantastic teacher is what turned the spectrum for us. THANK YOU SO MUCH MRS. RUEL, my daughters 5th grade teacher! (I can write an entirely separate post on this struggle with my daughter and helping her.) I have to give her other two teachers a shout out also for helping her love subjects in school and enjoy learning again, thank you to Mrs. Easterday & Mr. Harran.

Throughout the years I’ve found many great gluten free recipes I can share and all Keto recipes should be considered gluten free. So help yourself to all my favorite recipes I post under my recipe tab. I hope to help anyone searching for a healthier lifestyle and hope to make it easier on anyone who doesn’t know where to start.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”