
What is a Treat to you?

Desserts, Treats, and Sugar. SUGAR: our legal drug. That’s for another day. What is a treat to you?

Google defines treat as “An event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives pleasure.” Key phrase that stands out to me is: Out of the Ordinary. How often do you treat yourself to a dessert? Candy? Sweets? Sugar? Is it out of the ordinary? Or every time you poop like a potty training toddler? We self medicate with something that makes us feel better temporally and then immediately after, we are more miserable than before. I am completely guilty of this.

There was a time in my life where I hid from the mirror. No one else had to be around. I couldn’t bear the sight of myself naked. Before a shower I’d never undress around the mirror. I’d hide from… ME! I was too scared to face all the work that I thought the reflection needed because it was so overwhelming and looked impossible to start. My “start” moment was when I cried to my now ex-husband as he was playing video games and confessed that I was fat and I hated me. His very kind response is what helped me take on my own challenge. Without even looking up he said, “Well do something about it then!”

Challenge accepted! I figured if I start now, in one month even if I were to lose only a few pounds I’d be much happier with myself. I really had no weight loss goals, no fitness goals. I just wanted to love me again, to be able to live with myself. I was in a state of depression and didn’t know it until later. Somehow I had the will to start. I wrote on my calendar with a giant X the days I worked out. Three to four days became my goal and out went any “treats.”

Plain Greek Yogurt, natural peanut butter, strawberries & Lily’s dark chocolate chips.

I cut out bread, treats and pop. (Pop…? You might ask….) I’m from Oklahoma and pop is soda-pop, soda, coke whatever your heart desires to call it. I decided if I was cutting back I prefer to eat my calories rather than drink them. Except maybe on the weekends. If I’m going to drink calories they need to be “spiked” calories, something with salt and lime! I relied on coffee and water to get me through my days. Coffee with creamer became my “cheat” when I craved something sweet. Mid day I would drink coffee. It worked for me.

BOOM! 6 months into my new plan I could wear normal clothes again. No more wearing scrubs to go grocery shopping, no more maternity pants. The highest number I remember seeing on the scale was 184 because after that I refused to weight again. Once you cut sugar out of your diet it becomes much easier to see improvements and you will feel so much better.

Let a “treat” be a “treat” or something out of the ordinary!

Suggestions to replace treat cravings: (Depending on your lifestyle choice for your diet)

*Apple & natural peanut butter

*Banana & natural peanut butter

* Fruit parfait with plain greek yogurt

*So many Keto options with Zero sugar!

*Bananas cooked in coconut oil & cinnamon

*Coffee, sugar-free syrup

*Dark, dark chocolate- small square

Proverbs 25:16 “Have you found honey? Eat only what you need, That you not have it in excess and vomit it.”